Welcome to the Assessment and Testing Center
The Assessment & Testing Office provides testing services in support of our students in order to create opportunities for Student Success.
Spring Break | March 10th - 16th 2025 | (All admin. offices will be closed Mon.– Sun.)
Cesar Chavez Holiday | March 31st 2025 | College Closed
TSI Testing Information:
The TSI Assessment is offered, primarily on a walk in basis, Monday - Friday during our normal business hours. However, there are limited appointment opportunities during the week. Saturday TSI Testing is also available, by appointment only. You can schedule your appointment by clicking the link below.
A physical ID is required to take the TSI test. It can be a drivers license, passport, high school ID, state ID. No photos of ID's can be accepted.
**Completing the TSI assessment in a timely manner is highly encouraged to continue with next steps of the registration process.**
Schedule a TSI Appointment
Due to testing hour limitations, it is recommended that students test during our walk-in testing hours Monday-Friday**
We Look Forward to Serving You!
Texas Success Initiative (TSI)
The Texas Success Initiative (TSI) Assessment is a state mandated placement exam, used to assess a student's proficiency in Writing, Reading, and Mathematics. For more detailed information on the TSI, please refer to the Student Informational Brochure.
If you have previously taken the TSI and need to submit scores to NVC, CLICK HERE to submit a request. this allows NVC to pull your previous score report. Once we pull your scores we will follow up with you regarding your next enrollment steps.
You can also find your score report here.
TSI Fees
TSI at No Cost*
*The TSIA 2 is currently available at no cost for students that have a Northwest Vista College application, but only for the initial test administration. This does not apply to retest. Students needing TSIA 2 for Dual Credit or Early Admit are not eligible for no-cost option.
The following fees will apply for those not eligible for no cost TSI:
$32 for a full exam
$24 for English Language Arts and Reading only (may also include essay)
$12 for Math only
$12 for Essay Retest only
TSI Assessment Scores
The TSI Assessment 2 (TSIA 2) College Level Placement Scores:
Pre-Assessment Activity
All students taking the TSI assessment need to complete the Test Prep module located under the Start Here tab in your ACES account.
Collectively called the Pre-Assessment Activity, this online module address:
- The importance of assessment in a student's academic career.
- Sample questions in all subject areas covered on the TSI.
- Information on developmental education options, including course pairing, non-course based, modular and other non-conventional interventions.
- Information on institutional and community resources available to assist students with college success.
The pre-assessment activity must be completed prior to testing, NO EXCEPTIONS.
TSI Exemptions & Waivers
You may be eligible for an exemption or waiver from the TSI based on your previous college coursework, military experience or previous test scores. Do not take the TSI if any of the following apply to you:
Click here for additional exemption information.
Learn how to send your SAT scores by watching the video below.
TSIA 2 Testing Hours
The TSI Assessment is offered on both a walk in and appointment (limited opportunities) basis, Monday - Friday during our normal business hours. Saturday TSI Testing is by appointment only. You can schedule your appointment by clicking the link(s) below.
Schedule Monday-Friday Appointment
What to Expect On Test Day
Please bring the following items with you:
- Photo ID
- Form of Payment (We accept cash or card only)
- A locker will be provided for other personal belongings
How long does it take to complete the TSI Assessment?
The TSI Assessment is not a timed test. The average time to complete all sections of the test is about 4 hours. All TSI sections must be completed within 14 days of starting your session.
How long does it take to receive my scores?
Students will receive a copy of their score report upon completion of their exam.
How long is my score valid?
TSI Assessment scores are valid for 5 years from the date of testing.
How can I prepare for the exam?
TSI practice questions provided by CollegeBoard
TSIA 2 ELAR Practice Questions
TSIA 2 Math Practice Questions
TSIA 2 Essay Practice Questions
Students who cannot complete TSI testing within our testing hours can submit a request to complete testing through Meazure Learning’s ProctorU. ProctorU is a third party proctoring service offered by request only.
After TSI Testing
After you complete your exam
First Time In College (FTiC) Students: FTiC students will register for classes at New Student Orientation (NSO).
Once all enrollment steps are completed, sign up for Wildcat Orientation.
Transfer Students: Transfer students will register for classes and sign up for Transfer and Former Student Orientation.
Once all enrollment steps are completed, sign up for Wildcat Orientation (Transfer).
Helpful Links:Campus Resources Student Advocacy & Resource Center Scholarships
The Testing Office has resumed CLEP administration and is available for students attending Northwest Vista College. Call 210-486-4346 to make an appointment.
CLEP Testing Schedule:
- Tuesday: 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM
- Thursday: 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM
If you prefer to take CLEP at home, CollegeBoard offers a CLEP from Home virtual option. You can find more information here.
CLEP (College Level Examination Program)
The Northwest Vista College Assessment & Testing Office is a testing site for CLEP exams. If you are interested in taking a CLEP Exam, please review the available subjects listed on the CollegeBoard CLEP webpage.
- $20 NVC CLEP Proctoring Fee due on the day of the test. Click Here to pay NVC CLEP Fee
- $95 College Board CLEP Fee. Click Here to Create a College Board CLEP Account to Pay
- Be Sure to review our CLEP Policy Guidelines before committing to your purchase, as our office cannot refund you for this purchase made through CollegeBoard.
CLEP Administration
- Make an appointment with Testing Office to take the CLEP on Campus.
- Arrive at least 30 minutes before the scheduled time for CLEP Administration.
- Bring a valid State or Government issued ID.
- Note: The Biographical information on the ID must match what is printed on the CLEP Registration Ticket. Click Here for the CLEP Identification Policy
- Bring a printed receipt for NVC CLEP Proctoring Fee.
- Bring a print out of CLEP Registration Ticket.
- Allow up to 2 hours for the exam (3 hours if taking College Composition CLEP).
Awarding AP/CLEP Credits
Requirements to Award AP and CLEP Credit:
- An official score report from College Board must be sent to Northwest Vista College.
- Must meet the Credit by Exam Score Policy for AP and CLEP. Click Here to view CLEP/AP Credit Policy
- Notice - AP Statistic course credit to award is under review for Fall 2020 that will change from Math 1442 to Math 1342. Fall 2020 Catalog will be updated after review.
- Successfully completed 6 credit hours at Alamo Colleges.
- Students may not earn more than 45 total hours of non-traditional credit.
- Credit by exam may not be awarded for a course given a grade. Exceptions:
- If withdrawn from course before census, Credit by exam may be awarded,
- If withdrawn from course after census, must wait six months from last day of that term.
- Students must submit a Credit by Exam Request to the Northwest Vista College Testing Office, specifying the courses they want to be awarded using their AP and/or CLEP scores.
CLICK HERE to submit a request to have your AP/CLEP Credit Posted to your Record
For special accommodations for instructor exams please contact NVC Student Accessibility Services (Disabilities Support) at 210-486-4466 or by email at NVC-SAS@gabonmagazine.com.
Course exam services will be unavailable during Spring Break 2025 (March 10th-14th) and will resume on Monday, March 17th.
Course Exam Services (CES) offers proctoring for students enrolled in Northwest Vista College courses with special circumstances, specifically:
- Exam accommodations (e.g. extended time) for students who have proper documentation
- Make-up exam for students who miss an exam date
All proctoring is available in person and by appointment only (Same-day appointments or drop-ins are no longer accepted)
A valid picture ID is required of all testers
Click here for more information on the process for requesting Course Exam Services
For special accommodations for instructor exams please contact NVC Student Accessibility Services (Disabilities Support) at 210-486-4466 or by email at NVC-SAS@gabonmagazine.com.
Normal Office Hours:
Monday-Wednesday 8:00am - 6:00pm
Thursday: 8:00am - 7:00pm
Friday: 1:00pm - 5:00pm